organic earl grey black tea

SKU: 17700
Front of steep by Bigelow Organic Earl Grey box of 20 tea bags
Cup of steep by bigelow organic earl grey tea
Ingredients of steep by bigelow organic earl grey tea
steep by bigelow organic earl grey tea protected in foil
Chart showing 30-60 mg of caffeine in Black Tea
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Image highlighting key points that are the Bigelow Difference
6 boxes of steep by bigelow organic earl grey tea
organic earl grey black tea

organic earl grey black tea

SKU: 17700

organic earl grey black tea

SKU: 17700
Regular price $23.95
We began with the purest of Bergamot oil from a pristine province in Italy. We blended this organic oil with mountain grown black tea to create the perfect marriage. We hope you steep each cup with the same love that went into making this recipe.
20 Count (Pack of 6) 120 Total Tea Bags
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organic black tea, natural oil of bergamot

Nutrition Facts
% of Daily Value
Amount Per Serving 8 Fluid Ounces
Calcium 0 mg 0%
Calories 0 cal 0%
Calories from Fat 0 cal 0%
Carbohydrate 0 gram 0%
Dietary Fiber 0 gram 0%
Iron 0 mg 0%
Potassium 25 mg 1%
Protein 0gram 0%
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Sugar 0 gram 0%
Total Fat 0 gram 0%
Vitamin A 0 mcg 0%
Vitamin C 0 mg 0%
Zinc %

Taste Profile: smooth bold black tea with crisp rich authentic flavor of the bergamot fruit

Aroma: Citrus bergamot aroma with malty tea end notes

Liquor: Rich Copper color

Caffeine content per serving
Bigelow Tea| Proud to be icons such as Women Owned, Family Owned, Certified B, Zero-Landfill Company, Green-e and more
Bigelow Oil of Bergamot

Because Real Bergamot Matters