Perfectly Mint Iced Tea Brew Over Ice K-Cup® Pods 10 Count

SKU: 66189
Box of Perfectly Mint Iced Tea K-Cups
Glass of Perfectly Mint Iced Tea K-cup with box of 22 pods with Keurig brewer
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Perfectly Mint Iced Tea Brew Over Ice K-Cup® Pods 10 Count

SKU: 66189

Perfectly Mint Iced Tea Brew Over Ice K-Cup® Pods 10 Count

SKU: 66189
Regular price $41.95
Fresh and flavorful iced tea blended with natural spearmint leaves
10 Count (Pack of 6) 60 Total K-Cup® Pods
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black tea, spearmint, black tea extract, spearmint oil

Nutrition Facts
% of Daily Value
Amount Per Serving 8 Fluid Ounces
Calcium 0 mg 0%
Calories 5 cal 0%
Calories from Fat 0 cal 0%
Carbohydrate 0 gram 0%
Dietary Fiber 0 gram 0%
Iron 0 mg 0%
Potassium 25 1%
Protein 0gram 0%
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Sugar 0 gram 0%
Total Fat 0 gram 0%
Vitamin A 0 mcg %
Vitamin C 0 mg 0%
Zinc %

Taste Profile: Strong refreshing spearmint with underlying mild smoky notes

Aroma: Enveloping aroma of soothing spearmint

Liquor: Dark amber

Caffeine content per serving
Bigelow Tea| Proud to be icons such as Women Owned, Family Owned, Certified B, Zero-Landfill Company, Green-e and more
Bigelow Mint Teas

American Grown. Passionate Care. Mint Condition.