3 Boxes of Premium Blend Pure Ceylon Tea

SKU: 03351
Front of Premium 100 percent Ceylon Tea box of 100 tea bags
Cup of Premium 100 percent Ceylon Tea with overwrap
Chart showing 30-60 mg of caffeine in Black Tea
Brand messaging showing how we reduce footprint and why to be certified b
Image highlighting key points that are the Bigelow Difference
3 Boxes of Premium Blend Pure Ceylon Tea

3 Boxes of Premium Blend Pure Ceylon Tea

SKU: 03351

3 Boxes of Premium Blend Pure Ceylon Tea

SKU: 03351
Regular price $13.95
Bigelow Premium Black Ceylon Tea is a world-class black tea with color, an inviting aroma and lots of tea flavor.
100 Count (Pack of 3) 300 Total Tea Bags
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black tea

Taste Profile: Rich bright brew

Aroma: Light malty aroma

Liquor: Light copper color

Caffeine content per serving
Bigelow Tea| Proud to be icons such as Women Owned, Family Owned, Certified B, Zero-Landfill Company, Green-e and more